Rust disease as seen in a lawn


There are many different lawn diseases that affect different types of grasses. The effects of these diseases can be unsightly and aggravating to those who spend the time and money caring for their lawns and they can even be deadly to the grass plant itself.


What is Rust?

Rust is a lawn disease that can turn your shoes an orange color, blow orange clouds of dust while mowing, and discolors your lawn. Rust can be a temporary problem or it can cause death to the lawn. Unfortunately, this residue can be tracked into homes by human and pet traffic. While rust can be unsightly and quite annoying, it is not harmful to pets or to humans. Luckily, rust is not likely to appear every year like some lawn diseases, especially when proper practices are followed.

What Causes Rust?

Rust is caused by fungi in the lawn and favors Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, Fescue, Bermuda, and Zoysia grasses. This fungus presents itself causing rust when that lawn is mowed too short or too tall, the weather is hot and humid, as well as under feeding (fertilizing) the lawn.

Rust develops when there are long periods of cool, dewy nights followed by warm sunny days. Rust will usually effect shaded areas first, but will affect any grass that is wet for a prolonged amount of time.

How to Treat Rust?

Many normal practices can treat and prevent rust disease. Mowing at the recommended height for the lawn type and the conditions is beneficial. Also, following a proper watering regime and fertilizing schedule helps to keep rust at bay.

Rust can be treated with a fungicide application and typically, on smaller outbreaks, only one application is required. On well established lawns, a fungicide application for rust should be applied if normal practices do not prevent an outbreak.

Sum it up

To sum it up, rust like any other disease is unsightly but is treatable with the right amount of time and patience. It can be quite a nuisance for those that take care of their lawn or have a lawn care company take care of their lawn but following the recommendations for your lawn type and your area with proper practices can help prevent lawn diseases from appearing.

It is always a good idea to consult with a lawn care professional and ask any questions you may have. Look around, ask friends or family, and research companies on the Better Business Bureau to find a company that you can trust.

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