Grub Control
Grub damage is by far the most common type of damage sustained in turf grasses throughout the United States. Customers who choose to add grub control to their scheduled services will receive it along with control of all turf feeding and subsurface feeding insects. White grubs and many other subsurface feeding insects usually go unnoticed until the results of their feeding on the root system in your lawn are observed in late August and into early fall.
An active population can easily destroy your lawn in a very short period of time. In addition to these subsurface feeding insects causing damage themselves, their presence tends to attract animals, such as birds, mice, rats, gophers, groundhogs, raccoons and skunks, who love to feed on an active grub population; ultimately, causing even further damage to your lawn.
Grub Control - FAQ's

Our GatorGuarantee for all customers: If you're not satisfied with our service, we'll return to your property, free of charge. And if you're still not happy, we'll refund your last application and pay you $25 for your trouble!
Recommended Services
Lawn Care
Our lawn care programs consist of scheduled applications of fertilizer and weed control, resulting in a healthier, lush, green, great looking lawn. A successful program requires both technical knowledge and turf management experience.
Aeration & Seeding
Turf grasses growing in our area benefit greatly from annual lawn aeration to reduce thatch buildup and more importantly, relieve soil compaction. This service will help improve the recycling flow of air, water, and nutrients to the root system.
Soil Analysis
A soil analysis is used to determine the soil’s pH level, available nutrients and organic matter percentage. Also a key tool when diagnosing a particular problem such as poor turf color, low seed germination, bare spots and continuous disease susceptibility.
Grub Control FAQ's
We use a commercial grade insecticide that is the industry's longest lasting residual control for all types of subsurface and turf feeding pests. Some of the most common subsurface and turf feeding pests controlled are: Billbugs, European crane flies, hairy chinch bugs, mole crickets, white grubs, including black turfgrass ataenius beetles, European chafers, Japanese beetles, May and June beetles, Northern masked chafers, Oriental beetles, Southern masked chafers.
Grub damage can happen almost overnight, where your lawn looked great and next thing you know it turns brown. The best way to test for grub damage is by pulling on the grass plant, if it comes up easy with no roots chances are you have grub worm damage.
No, moles have two food sources: grubs and earthworms. By eliminating half of their food source it will push moles to look for food that is more plentiful elsewhere, but if your lawn has a good source of earthworms you still may get moles.
In addition to the grubs causing damage themselves, their presence tends to attract animals, such as moles, voles, birds, mice, rats, gophers, groundhogs, raccoons and skunks, who love to feed on an active grub population; thus, causing further damage to your lawn. In this particular case, it sounds as if the lawn has been victimized by a skunk; they do just that, cut square patches of sod and roll it back to get to the grub worms.
When beetles look for places to return back into the ground they look for a plentiful food source to feast on. If your neighbor doesn't take care of their lawn, it is like your neighbor is offering bologna for them to eat but you are offering steak, chances are they are coming to your lawn for dinner and not your neighbors.
Yes, for starters a granular insecticide needs to be applied to your lawn ASAP! This will need to be watered in, thus making it effective, which will kill off the grub population. Then the excess dead grass should be raked up and removed; then your lawn will be ready for re-seeding.
White grubs, the larval stage of beetles, come out of the ground in early June and return back into the ground in August. It is at this time when they return back into the ground that they do their destruction by feeding heavily on grass roots before they barrel deeper into the ground. Late August and throughout September is the prime time for grub damage. We treat for grubs late May thru Mid-July typically during our 4th lawn care treatment, which provides season long control of grubs.