There are many different lawn diseases that affect different types of grasses. The effects of these diseases can be unsightly and aggravating to those who spend the time and money caring for their lawns and they can even be deadly to the grass plant itself.
What is Powdery Mildew?
Powdery mildew is a lawn disease that affects a wide variety of plants. It is a fungus that is easily diagnosed because of the white powder like spores on the grass blades or for other plants, on the leaves and stem.
Powdery mildew favors Kentucky bluegrass, ryegrass, fine fescue, and Bermuda grass and will develop in shaded areas first. Fortunately, powdery mildew is usually not severe enough to cause significant problems.
What Causes Powdery Mildew?
Powdery mildew is not like other diseases because it does not require water to form. It is prone to areas that area already under stress and high humidity. Poor air circulation and temperatures between 60-72 degrees are also favorable for the growth of powdery mildew.
How to Treat Powdery Mildew?
Having a good lawn care regime is the best defense against powdery mildew, along with other diseases. It is beneficial to follow the proper fertilization schedule and to water the appropriate amount at the appropriate times. It is also beneficial to mow the lawn at a higher setting during the hot summer months.
For areas with repeated powdery mildew problems, it is recommended to reduce shade in that area or if that is not practical to reseed with a shade tolerant grass. Improving the air circulation within this area will also help stop the outbreak of powdery mildew. Air circulation and shade reduction can be improved by trimming or pruning trees and shrubs in the area that may be overgrown, eliminating fencing or allowing for a more breathable fencing, as well as removing children’s toys or lawn ornaments that may be blocking air flow or producing shade.
A fungicide may be applied to help stop an outbreak or prevent the spread of powdery mildew, but is typically not needed because this lawn disease is not as damaging as other diseases and will go away naturally or with the assistance of proper lawn care practices.
Sum it up
To sum it up, powdery mildew like any other disease is unsightly but is treatable with the right amount of time and patience. It can be quite a nuisance for those that take care of their lawn or have a lawn care company take care of their lawn but following the recommendations for your lawn type and your area with proper practices can help prevent lawn diseases from appearing.
It is always a good idea to consult with a lawn care professional and ask any questions you may have. Look around, ask friends or family, and research companies on the Better Business Bureau to find a company that you can trust.